Important Update: The State of International Golf Travel
The pandemic has significantly altered the booking window for international travel.
Since we started in 1984, the flow and timing of bookings has remained remarkably consistent, averaging 8 - 10 months prior to travel.
For a variety of good reasons, in the post-pandemic world, that window has now increased to 12 - 18 months for trips that include the most famous links courses throughout the British Isles. We believe this trend shall continue as more passionate golfers seek to enjoy the best possible links golf experience.
Quite simply...they are not building any new
Old Courses!...and the demand continues to increase.
If you wish to travel to the British Isles in 2024, I would encourage you to reach out to PerryGolf sooner than later as now is an ideal time to start the process, and to allow us to guide you through the considerations of a luxury golf experience.
Best wishes,

Gordon Dalgleish
800.344.5257 x 222
Our Golf Travel Experts always welcome the opportunity to assist you personally on 800.344.5257 or