Like virtually everyone who operates in or around golf and travel, our longstanding friends at LINKS have been uniquely challenged by the pandemic to the extent they have been unable to produce their usual print publication. What you have here is their first ever digital-only issue available to all with no app, payment or registration required.
President & Publisher
Jack Purcell says, “We’re eager to share this one with you because at LINKS we firmly believe that golf is providing a balm for our souls, a way for us to look forward and have some fun. So, when we write about the opening of “
Sheep Ranch” at Bandon Dunes or how Quebec is really just “
Europe Next Door” or put together our own “
Ultimate U.S. Open Course” or even tell you about “
The Greatest Architect You Don’t Know,” we hope it will provide a slight reprieve from these unsettling times.”
You will see the print issue again as soon as it is possible, but in the meantime, enjoy what these determined professionals have accomplished who cover our game as well as any we know.
We always welcome the opportunity to assist you personally on
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