Custom Golf Tours 2022 / 2023
WEBINAR - Thursday, January 20 | 2:00 PM ET
Custom itineraries to the British Isles requiring arrangements for golf, lodging, sightseeing and local transportation have been PerryGolf’s expertise since 1984. Given the seasoned skills of our staff plus the long standing and valued support of our many hotel and golf club partners, we consistently deliver precise itineraries that satisfy every expectation.
Combine all of this with the pent-up demand caused by the pandemic, and the need for thoughtful & knowledgeable trip planning and management is as great as ever.
Join PerryGolf President Gordon Dalgleish on Thursday, January 20 at 2:00PM ET for a 30-minute review of these unique vacations, including the destinations & experience, required planning and 2022/2023 travel ideas, followed by a live Q & A.

Our Golf Travel Experts always welcome the opportunity to assist you personally on 800.344.5257 or