It goes without saying that the Ailsa Course at Turnberry is a class above its sister course the Kintyre. It’s ranked as one of the best in the world, it’s on the current Open Championship Rota, and it’s been the scene of some of the most memorable finishes to Open Championships in years gone by.
However, having played the Kintyre Course recently, I’d strongly recommend it for the traveller seeking extra golf wherever possible. Along the Ayrshire Coast, you have the Ailsa, Royal Troon, Prestwick, Western and Glasgow Gailes, and not far behind on the list, I’d put the Kintyre. For those staying at Turnberry, the Kintyre Course is an ideal addition to your schedule. The course is onsite, riding carts are available, and it’s a strong course in its own right.
By Gary Sheppard. Gary has been with PerryGolf for over 5 years and is one of our Golf Travel Specialists.