Scotland’s Caddies

The following video will make for some interesting viewing for anyone who plans on travelling (or who has travelled in the past) to Scotland for golf.  Caddies can play a big part during your visit and they definitely enhance the experience when playing some of the toughest links courses around.  This docu-film gives you some insight into some of the characters you may meet on your travels.

Click here to view.

By Gary Sheppard.  Gary has been with PerryGolf for over 4 years and is one of our Golf Travel Specialists.


Golf in China – An experience by any measure

There are many magnificent locales to play golf around the world, each one more inviting that the last. For someone who enjoys these experiences, a visit to China which includes golf will be an eye opening journey. Not every facility is like Mission Hills as Larry describes below, but it will certainly add to your knowledge of how golf has developed around the world.

The World’s Largest Golf Resort

Larry OlmstedTheAPosition

TAP image

If you read my blogs, you will soon discover that I am pretty obsessed with world records. A few years back, for a story for Golf Magazine, I broke the Guinness World Record for “The Greatest Distance Traveled Between Two Rounds of Golf Played in The Same Day,” an impressive 7,496 miles. Last year I wrote a very interesting book about the history and culture and …

Read more


About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Scotch whisky and golf….like salt and pepper

Neat article on Scotland’s other famous export;

On the Supernatural Connection Between Scotch and Golf

Surely it’s more than mere happenstance that the game of golf and the drinkable artwork that is Scotch whisky were both created in the gorgeously green, wind-swept, salty-aired duneslands of Scotland.

Although the origins of golf are slightly shrouded in mist, many believe the game was invented as early as the 14th century by fishermen returning from beach to village across rolling links.  If one fisherman … Read more

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Gleneagles – Renovation Nearing Completion

Gleneagles Hotel
Gleneagles Hotel

If, like me, you have been following the gradual progress of the massive Gleneagles Hotel renovation, you will be interested in the article found below as it not only points out both the subtle and grand changes to the hotel and golf courses, but also reminds us of all the fantastic activities on offer at the Resort.

If you are planning a trip to Scotland, you must fit a stay at Gleneagles; one of the country’s finest 5 star properties.

Click here for more information.


Best Golf Course in the World?

Donald Trump
Donald Trump

Being based in Scotland, we watch developments with Donald Trump’s Aberdeenshire project with particular interest, and it seems like the project is finally getting underway now.  This will no doubt be a great addition to an area that already boasts some fantastic courses such as Royal Aberdeen (host to 2011 Walker Cup matches), it’s lesser known hidden gem of a neighbour, Murcar; and, of course Cruden Bay only 45 minutes up the coast.  As for Mr Trump’s claim that it will be the “world’s greatest golf course”, that remains to be seen!  He has pretty tough competition on his doorstep never mind the rest of the world.

For further reading, click here.

By Alastair Niven.  Alastair has been with PerryGolf for over 9 years and is one of our Golf Travel Specialists.