Best PHOTO, VIDEO and STORY will each win a $500 shopping credit with Peter Millar.
Best OVERALL will win $500 more.
Read more “Clients Only PerryGolf Memories Contest: Deadline October 31”
Best OVERALL will win $500 more.
Read more “Clients Only PerryGolf Memories Contest: Deadline October 31”
Best Photo, Video and Story will each win a $500 shopping credit with Peter Millar.
Best Overall will win $500 more. (Determined by the entry that receives the most “Facebook Likes”)
If you’d like to share the fun you’ve had on a PerryGolf trip, whether you travel this year or ten years ago, do so before midnight October 31, 2013. That way you’ll be eligible to win one – or more – of four $500 shopping credits with Peter Millar in our new Memories Contest. The Grand Prizes will awarded for Best Photo, Video and Story. A fourth Grand Prize will be awarded for Best Overall, plus it is possible to win Best Photo and Best Story with a single entry.
Second and Third Runners Up will receive a copy of the striking coffee table book Planet Golf. Just email your entries to Memories@PerryGolf.com or post them in our Facebook Event, Memories Contest.
See below for more details!