Scotland’s Pride and Joy from Islay to Turnberry

[singlepic id=34 w=320 h=240 float=] CBS Sunday Morning News ran a story during the holidays about Islay single malts that reminded us that the flight from Glasgow to Scotland’s famous Isle of Islay (EYE-lah) takes less than an hour.  Whisky loving links golfers who journey this way with a week or so to chase their […]


Kintyre Course at Turnberry, Scotland

It goes without saying that the Ailsa Course at Turnberry is a class above its sister course the Kintyre.  It’s ranked as one of the best in the world, it’s on the current Open Championship Rota, and it’s been the scene of some of the most memorable finishes to Open Championships in years gone by. […]


Around the Top 100 World – Day 41 to Day 50 / Adelaide to Ayrshire

Click here for trip summary & overview Day 41  Play Royal Adelaide At 7:40 am a taxi drove me four miles to Seaton and Royal Adelaide (rated 63, designed by  Gardiner 1904 and remodeled by Mackenzie). It hardly ever rains in Adelaide, but that day rain was pelting down, the wind was blowing hard, the temperature […]