Ryder Cup Team Selection Critique

As the excitement mounts for the 2010 Ryder Cup Matches in Wales, an analysis of  Colin Montgomerie’s selections….and remember for any late booker, PerryGolf has space only 5 miles from the event, click here for details;

Monty’s Choices

David BarrettTheAPosition

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The five candidates for the three captain’s picks for the European Ryder Cup team had cases that were so close to being equal that Colin Montgomerie could just as well have thrown darts to determine his selections. No matter which trio he picked, he couldn’t really lose—he would have been getting three very good players in any case. But he also couldn’t really win—he was …

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About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


US Ryder Cup Team…….Who will be Corey’s Wildcards?

With the US PGA at the weekend – the final qualifying event for the US team – the 8 automatic spots have now been decided leaving the final 4 places down to Corey Pavin to decide on.  The question on everyone’s lips is whether Tiger will get one of those wildcard picks.  With a fairly sizeable improvement in his game from the previous week at Firestone (it couldn’t have got any worse to be fair!) I’m pretty certain Corey won’t overlook the world number one…leaving three more spots up for grabs.  Nick Watney has shown some good form of late (despite his collapse in Sunday’s final round), and Anthony Kim, who narrowly missed out in 9th place, have both got a case to get a pick; but with recent major winners Lucas Glover, Stewart Cink, and Zach Johnson also all finishing in the top 15, and having the experience of handling the pressure, it’s not going to be an easy decision for the captain.

Corey’s got to decide who to pick by the 7th of September, so it won’t be long until we know.  With the European team looking stronger by the week, and Martin Kaymer winning the PGA, he’ll need to make sure his decisions are spot on.

By Keith Baird.  Keith has been with PerryGolf for over 10 years and is one of our Golf Travel Specialists.


Hard & fast, part of the fun of golf

Jim Hyler, the President of the USGA is a strong proponent of cutting back on some of the manicuring of golf courses, controlling costs and playing a more hard, fast & running game. The following article by Bob Fagan is an interesting look at how we are, where we are;

Perfect Green Is Not Perfect Golf!

TAP imageI love the color green and all the implications that the word has for golf.  Indeed, the term “greenkeeper” originally meant “keeper of the green”.  (Notice, greenkeeper does not have an “s” in it.)  The climate of the British Isles is full of rainfall and hence the color green makes perfectly good sense as to the natural conditions one discovers on their courses.

Here, in America, … Read more


About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Is tourism making the turn

The recent worldwide economic downturn has hit the tourism sector hard; various resorts and hotels are in trouble. It is all the more encouraging to see deals being done and investment plans being announced. It does not seem that long ago (5 years) when Tom Doak’s St. Andrews Beach creation in Australia opened to generally favorable reviews. The development never gained altitude but hopefully the new owners can turn things around. The complete article can be viewed here .

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+