Golf Buddies Trips

I am often asked about mt favorite course, both in the British Isles and elsewhere. Invariably I stumble and provide a vague answer as I not a favorites type of person, but rather for me, golf is about the people you are with. Three good friends at the local public course will be more satisfying than three unknowns at the best club in the area. Golf Digest have done a great job of sharing and writing about buddies golf trips over the year. The current installment can be read here.

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Decorum, is it really that difficult

Yesterday afternoon I went to hit some balls on the way home from the office. It was a perfectly clear Carolina Blue sky day. Not a cloud in the sky and a light breeze. The Club was quiet with a few people on the range and even fewer on the putting green. I went to the short game area and immediately heard a fellow on his cell phone. He was at a minimum 40 yards from me and I could hear every word. He was sitting in a cart, enjoying the view and seemed to be having a difficult time on this conversation. I felt it inappropriate for me to amble over there and give him some friendly advise on how to handle this tough situation, other than to tell him to get off his phone! The arrogance or ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me. I came to hit balls not listen to another man’s problems. Did his parents never teach him about a “church voice”. A friend reminds me that his Club prefers to instill “manners” as opposed to “enforce rules” and I could not agree more. A Club can only ever be as good as the Members are willing to allow it to be. This morning I saw the article from Jerry Tarde of Golf Digest that was perfect on this subject.

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


The next generation Gleneagles

I was recently made aware of a new development being proposed for central Scotland which has some very interesting story lines. The proposed development is in the same area as Gleneagles Hotel which has long been regarded as one of the finest country hotels in the world. Funded by money from Dubai, given the current economic climate it is filled with grand plans. The full article is available here. From a golfers perspective, one of the interesting stories is the possible inclusion of David McLay Kidd, who grew up as son of the Greenskeeper at nearby Gleneagles…something of a coming home. Stay tuned

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Airport Planning

This may seem like obvious advice but it never ceases to amaze me how many times travelers create anxiety for themselves with poor planning. The airlines are not model citizens of customer service but there is some basic planning you can do to ensure as smooth an international trip as possible.

Aircraft seating – Be sure to book your exact seat as soon as it becomes available. Every airline is different so be sure to know what your carrier permits. Take a look as for advise on the preferred seats…not all seats are created equally, even in the same cabin!

Documents – Be sure your passport is valid for a number of months after you return from your trip. Every country seems to apply different requirements. South Africa for example requires a number of blank pages in your passport, if you do not have they will bar you from entry! You can also enter your passport data into your reservation on line to speed up your process at the airport. The airlines must share this data in advance with various entities due to security regulations.

Check-In Online – Go online and print out your boarding passes at home before heading to the airport. If you are dropping luggage off you may get another boarding pass but in some instances it will help you, e.g. if you get delayed in a check-in line at the airport and miss a deadline (30 to 60 minutes before a flight) you can still head to the gate through security.

At the Airport – Give yourself a reasonable amount of time. Every airport is slightly different, e.g. Wilmington, NC where I live is materially different than Atlanta, GA my former hometown. Somewhere between 60 – 120 minutes is probably wise. Slightly more if you are originating on an international flight as opposed to taking a domestic flight to make the international connection.

Luggage – Most airlines now prohibit luggage over 50lbs in weigh or charge a substantial penalty. Be sure you are not trying to check in luggage that is well over the limit and are repacking in front of the desk! A calming experience!

Lounge Access – Be aware before you go to the airport if you have lounge access and where it is. Is it before or after security. What amenities does it offer. Is is a great place to relax before boarding the flight.

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+


Resetting of prices – extreme example

We have seen in many industries over the last 9 months a general resetting of prices…with the travel industry leading the herd! I came across an extreme example of this resetting phenomenon yesterday. Names will be withheld to protect the identity.
For $25 more than you would have paid in 2008 to play this well known course (one round) in the British Isles, you can play it twice in 2010 AND stay overnight in one of their deluxe rooms!

About the Author: Gordon Dalgleish is the Co-Founding Director of PerryGolf, the leading provider of international golf vacations. You can find him on Google+