Hold the golf handicap certificate, just need your passport!

Luxury Golf Course in Bangkok, Thailand
Royal Bangkok Sports Club

I have been fortunate to play golf in many interesting places around the world, but a recent round at Royal Bangkok Sports Club is surely one of the strictest. Be sure to watch the video I took during my round!

Read more “Hold the golf handicap certificate, just need your passport!”


People with a Passion for Golf Travel

PGA Show 2014The PGA Show in Orlando every January is where the golf industry convenes. I had the good fortune this year to spend time with two individuals whom to me exemplify the passion and desire to create, truly memorable (golf) travel experiences.
Read more “People with a Passion for Golf Travel”


Ryder Cup Impact for Golf Tourism in Scotland



Scottish media have reported recently on the significant impact the Ryder Cup at Gleneagles will have on the Scottish economy. While I am generally cynical of government produced figures which are often skewed for political purposes, I can speak knowledgeably about the impact of golf travel to Scotland for 2014.

Read more “Ryder Cup Impact for Golf Tourism in Scotland”


Travel Tips: What To Expect From Premium Air Travel

Air Travel
Air Travel: What To Expect?

Virtually all of our clients need some form of air travel in conjunction with their PerryGolf land arrangements. While the economy cabin generally varies very little from one airline to another, the upgraded cabins can vary enormously and some expectation of what you are buying should be part of the purchase decision. Read more “Travel Tips: What To Expect From Premium Air Travel”


Great Travel Apps

Image by www.tech2date.com
Image by www.tech2date.com

The following is a list of my most used and (in my view) practical smartphone apps as it relates to travel.
Whether you’re planning a golf vacation, traveling for business, or taking a family vacation, you’ll find these apps to be useful along the way.
Read more “Great Travel Apps”